Friday, January 2, 2009

What Will We Look At in 2009?

We hope you had a happy New Year. We certainly look forward to bringing you top-notch political news and analysis for 2009. Here is a preview of what we will bring you.

Soon we will begin our next series "Why Obama Won" – which will feature a panel of strategists, academics, and other politicos giving their weight behind the key reasons for the Democratic victory. We will continue posting their analyses periodically until the Inauguration.

We will also begin to look at smaller political races and issues from across the country as the political community gears up for local elections. As always we will bring it to you with appropriate examination and information on the local political culture.

If you have any commentary of your own as we move into the New Year, please feel free to provide it under any post. We look forward to giving you the scoop on what you want to know.